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[轉知]Osaka City University: Socially Innovative Global Classroom
Osaka City University is offering an online program to develop collaborative social innovators, using Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL).  The Socially Innovative Global Classroom (SIGLOC), a collaborative educational program with overseas students, will take place March 10-March 25, 2022 and is free for students from UMAP member institutions. 
The deadline to apply is February 4, 2022. 
For detailed program guidelines and application information, please visit:  http://www.coil.osaka-cu.ac.jp/en/blog/10th_sigloc_online/

Why not join the program and learn online with students from all over the world?
As a school selected for the FY 2018 Inter-University Exchange Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, Osaka City University (OCU) is implementing a Program to Develop Collaborative Social Innovators that uses Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL).
In this program, OCU offers Socially Innovative Global Classroom (SIGLOC) which is a collaborative educational program with overseas students.
SIGLOC is an intensive program in which students from different countries around the world work in “the field”, share their experiences, exchange opinions from different perspectives, and collaborate to create solutions to social issues.

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