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【轉知】2022 國立屏東科技大學「人文盃」新南向國家羽球邀請

轉知】2022 國立屏東科技大學「人文盃」新南向國家羽球邀請

一、報名日期:自即日起至2022年09 月16日止

二、報名方式:採網路報名 (https://reurl.cc/an285X)



五、參賽資格:參賽選手應具本國或新南向國家國籍,且須具在臺就讀大專院校 111 學年度第一學期註冊之在學學生或教職員身分。


附件一:競賽規程_2022 國立屏東科技大學「人文盃」新南向國家羽球邀請賽

【Forward】2022 NPUST "Humanities Cup"  for New Southbound National Badminton Invitational Tournament

1. Registration Date: Until September 16, 2022.

2. Registration method: Online registration (https://reurl.cc/an285X).

3. Competition time: October 1, 2022 (Saturday).

4. Venue: Mengxiang stadium, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.

5. Eligibility: Contestants should be Taiwanese or come from “New Southbound Countries”. They must finish enrolling in the first semester of the 111 academic year (Fall semester in2022) at a college or university in Taiwan.

※For further information about the competition, please refer to the competition regulations (Appendix 1).

Appendix 1_ Competition Regulations of 2022 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology "Humanities Cup" New Southbound National Badminton Invitational Tournament


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