FALL SEMESTER 秋季班 | September - January 9月~1月 |
SPRING SEMESTER 春季班 | February - June 2月~6月 |
FALL SEMESTER 秋季班入學 | March 1st - July 31st 3月1日- 7月31日 |
SPRING SEMESTER 春季班入學 | September 1st - December 31st 9月1日 - 12月31日 |
項次 Item | 申請資料項目 Required Materials |
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入學申請表1份(貼二吋半身脫帽照片1張,需手寫簽名) One copy of the application form must be submitted, with a current personal photograph attached. The photograph should be a head-and-shoulders shot, taken without a hat or head covering. Additionally, a handwritten signature is required on each form. |
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護照影本 |
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畢業證書原文影本 ※持大陸地區學士學位以上(含)者,另須繳交「學位證(明)書」。 Applicants with the bachelor’s degree or above obtained from schools in Mainland China which are specifically recognized by MOE are also required to submit a certificate of degree conferral.
※應屆畢業生申請時請繳交由其學校出具的「預計畢業證明書(中文或英文)」正本一份。 ※除教育部另有規定者外,本校不接受臨時畢業證書作為有效文件。 Unless otherwise specified by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan), provisional graduation certificates are not recognized as valid documents. |
4 |
經我國駐外單位或代表處驗證之外國學校最高學歷文件影本1份(中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本) One photocopy of the certificate or diploma of the highest degree obtained abroad. If these documents are in languages other than Chinese or English, a copy of either an English or Chinese translation should also be notarized and enclosed. Certificates or diplomas must be verified by an embassy, consulate, representative office, or other institution (hereinafter referred to as the Taiwan Overseas Mission) authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C. |
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經我國駐外單位或代表處驗證之最高學歷歷年成績單影本1份(中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本) One original transcript issued by the academic institution and verified by the Taiwan Overseas Mission (A notarized copy of the translation in Chinese or English is necessary if the original diploma is a language other than Chinese or English.) |
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具結書(須手寫簽名) |
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中文或英文留學計畫書(含自傳) One study plan written in Chinese or English (including autobiography) |
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中文或英文研究計畫書(申請碩士、博士學位者)。 One Research Proposal written in Chinese or English (only for Master’s degrees’ program and Ph.D. Program applicants) |
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One copy of a financial statement (in Chinese or English) indicating sufficient funding of stay in Taiwan. (A financial statement issued by a financial institution showing a minimum balance no less than US$ 3,000 within last 3 months.) |
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近兩年內中文能力(申請中文授課系所學程者) 或是英文能力(申請英文授課系所學程者)相關證明文件 A certificate or official proof of Chinese or English language proficiency issued within the past two years. ※各系所語言能力等級要求請參閱招生簡章 For language proficiency level requirements of each department, please refer to "Nanhua university international student admission and transfer guideline" |
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南華大學個人資料公務使用同意書(須手寫簽名) |
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授權查證同意書(須手寫簽名) |
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其他有助審查之資料 |
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繳交資料記錄表 |
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外交部所列特定國家人士,須有申請系所教師同意擔任簽證保證人,始得申請。 Applicants from countries designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) must obtain consent from a professor in the intended department to serve as a visa guarantor before submitting their application. ※未提交同意書或同意人非本校教師則視為不符資格。 Failure to submit the consent form, or if the consent is provided by individuals who are not professors of this university, will result in the application being deemed ineligible. ※具簽證保證人同意書不代表錄取,亦不保證簽證取得。 A letter of guarantee for visa application does not guarantee admission nor visa issuance. ※相關資訊請參閱外交部網站:(Link: https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-159-249-4162c-2.html) For more information, please refer to Procedures for Nationals of the Designated Countries Applying for Visitor Visas to the Republic of China(R.O.C.)(Link: https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-159-249-4162c-2.html) |